From ALA...
Please, we need everyone to make calls to ALL YOUR Senators IMMEDIATELY to protect $200 million for libraries and community colleges to deploy broadband services in the original language of the Senate stimulus bill, H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. We have just been advised that Senators Kent Conrad (ND-D) and Lindsey Graham (SC-R) are expected to introduce Senate Amendment 501 which would strip funding for libraries and broadband and put it into additional funding the FDIC. If introduced, the vote could take place this afternoon.
The message is: keep the $200 million for libraries and broadband in H.R. 1 - defeat amendment 501. Libraries provide information on jobs, employment skills, and all other types of job-seeking information. More people are using libraries during these difficult times and the demand for broadband is greater than ever.
If you are in South Carolina, check for your contacts. If you are in another state, contact for your elected officials' contacts.
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