Saturday, May 19, 2012

On the Flip Side

So I'm not having a great day. Well today is better than yesterday when the issues actually made themselves present, but today is another day of over thinking it and just generally stewing about it. I'd like to think that I'm able to move on but it's ok. Everyone needs a bad day every now and then. So my recommends for today are about things that are "bad" but really good. They aren't going to make the day better but hey, it could always be worse!

Bad movies. There are the movies that are seriously bad as in bad writing, bad acting etc. I'm going to put "Titantic" on that list. I'm sorry. I hate that movie. A lot of whining and just too much hype. Another bad movie? I was not a fan of "Chicago." I thought the acting was forced and it wore me out. Now there are also bad movies in that bad things happen to the characters. I actually sometimes really like those movies. "28 Days" is one. Another one she is in is "Hope Floats." Girl can't get a break. I like them both. Finally, "Moonlight and Valentino." I am sure some critics put this in both bad categories. I happen to like it. Elizabeth Perkins' husband goes for a run and had a deathly accident. Her girl group (neighbor, sister, etc.) all pull out the stops to help her out of the funk. Gwyneth Paltrow, Kathleen Turner and Whoopi Goldberg are in it. There is a girl power scene at the end--sort of a good bye to her husband's memory and her former life. Jon Bon Jovi shows up too. A bad kind of good.

Ok other bad things. Well chocolate is bad for you but I've heard if you eat a piece of really dark chocolate (like 80%+), that's not as bad. Technically, thunderstorms seem to make things here really bad. I happen to like them but they are always blowing down trees and leaving dirt scattered everywhere. Plus they bring out the bugs. Those I really hate. So the storms are bad but the rain is pretty good. However we are getting into summer and the heat is really bad. Heat and humidity--all too much for me. I hate going outside pretty much past April. Also with the heat comes the sun. I'm pretty fair so I need lots of sunscreen. This much sun wears me out.

"Bad"-- Michael Jackson. He wrote the song right? Not my favorite of his songs but since it's called "Bad"--I'm going to include it. Other songs I really don't like. "Wind Beneath my Wings," "My Heart will go on," most country stuff and almost all those Disney Princess songs. What about songs with bad, as in hard, drumming, lyrics or guitar playing? "Blue on Black" by Kenny Wayne Shepard, the cover of "Immigrant Song" done by Trent Reznor and Karen O, the drumming on Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight" and pretty much all the old Clapton.

Lots of books have bad characters. Some people think the "Twilight" books are bad because they are sappy and badly written. There is that whole which character is worse thing going on? Lots of really bad characters. I happen to love "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" series but there are some seriously bad characters in those. What defines bad? Reputation? Renegade? All the kids from "The Outsiders." People in their town thought they were bad. What about the classic (and really bad) children's book Der Struwwelpeter. He's a creepy character with long hair and nails. Not a great story for kids.

Not a lot of other things are going to make me feel much better today. Sometimes it's just ok to be grumpy. But these are just a few things that are both bad...and good, so in a way, not so bad.

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