Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween Fun: FB Horror Movie

This is been on facebook and it's cute. I didn't feel like putting it there but found it funny so I figured I'd put it here.

It's Halloween! You're in a horror movie. The 9 people in your friend box on your FB timeline profile page, in order from left to right. No cheating.

Cries like a baby: Rob Lindsey (sorry RL)
The one who trips while running in the woods: Kendra Lyons Burns (but is wearing cute shoes)
The first to go missing: Heidi Betz Thornton (I'd say probably not...)
Murdered saving you: Virginia Lyons (thanks mom!)
Survives by faking their own death: Julie Gaines (of course...she's the smartest of all)
Had a solid survival plan no one listened to: Charlotte Johnston (who has a plan for everything!)
Spends all the time looking for Twinkies: Jessica Kirchen Lyons (or Diet Dr. Pepper)
Gets turned into a zombie: Allison Lyons Buck (Teen Librarian!)
Is really the killer:  Kevin Lyons (but we still love you)

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