Saturday, November 09, 2013


I'm moving. It's not far, but far enough to have to pack up everything.
I donated stuff. A lot.
I love magazines. Apparently i've also brought nearly everyone with since at least 2006. I have now gone through nearly all. Mostly pulled recipes, design ideas and fashion tips. My own pinterest but in a box and on paper. The rest? Garbage. I think there were at least 200.
I've been working hard on it for a few weeks now. Feel like I should have made more progress. Feels good to purge (or weed as the librarians say) but still feel like there is much to go and much to do.
Part of goes to storage. Round two is reducing all of that.
I had a friend who fit everything she owned in her big GMC Jimmy. I felt sad for her. Now I am wondering if that is not such a bad thing after all...

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